
Domus Grimani Exhibition & History of the Collection

Author: timetravelrome /

Those who travel to Venice do not necessarily have in mind that Venice is home to several masterpieces of ancient art. In particular, Venice has - and exhibits - the famous Grimani Collection, whose magnificent ancient sculptures are displayed in the Archaeological Museum of the city. In 2019 a very special event took place: an exhibition called β€œDomus Grimani”. At this date, part [...]

2024-01-28T19:09:10+00:00January 28th, 2024|Categories: Hidden Gems|Tags: , , , |

Archaeological Exhibitions in 2024

Author: timetravelrome /

Many of us will be traveling in 2024. For those who haven't made up their minds yet, here's a list of exhibitions scheduled for 2024 in some of the most popular destination countries. The list is by no means exhaustive, but I hope it will give you some good ideas for making new artistic and archaeological discoveries in 2024. Some exhibitions are not [...]

2024-01-20T19:46:51+00:00January 19th, 2024|Categories: Top Destinations|Tags: |

Exhibition Rome, the City and the Empire at Louvre in Lens

Author: timetravelrome /

As part of their temporary closure at the Louvre in Paris, the Roman rooms are moving to the Louvre in Lens. This exhibition at the Louvre-Lens Museum offers a gigantic retrospective on Roman civilization, from its legendary foundation in 753 BC to the fall of the empire in 476 AD. It invites visitors to discover Roman art and civilization through the great subjects [...]

2022-06-11T12:49:18+00:00June 11th, 2022|Categories: Hidden Gems|Tags: , , |

Domitian: Misery of Absolutism and Splendor of Rome

Author: timetravelrome /

Domitian was the younger son of Vespasian, and brother of Titus – he inherited power after the death of his brother in AD 81. Domitian is remembered for his strong tendency toward absolutism: he obtained full control over the Senate, reducing its role to the administrative one. Demonstrating his disdain for the Senate, Domitian used to come there in the garb of a [...]

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